We at Cornerstone believe that prayer works and we make it a point to pray not only for our needs but for the needs of others. If you or someone you know has something going on in their life and is in need of prayer, let us know so we can be in prayer too. If you are rejoicing in a victory that God has given you, we would love to celebrate with you. God is good all the time. Share your victory in Jesus with us and let us glorify God together. Even if your prayer request is more general, something God has put on your heart, let us be united in the Holy Spirit, and offer our requests to God together. The family that prays together stays together!
Submit a Prayer Request
Pastoral Counseling
We all have times in our life when we just need someone to talk to. If you have found yourself in one of the valleys of life and desire to speak one-on-one with one of our pastors or elders we are here for you. Maybe the marriage isn’t working out so well, work has got you down, finances have you frustrated, or you are just wondering where God is in your life, we are here for you. Let us help you seek the wisdom and counsel of God, not only to get you through the struggles of life, but to rejoice in His glorious victory.
Submit a Request