Prayer Challenge

Here is a way we can as a family make a difference! There is power in prayer!

Hope this email finds you all in good health!  We would like to challenge the wonderful people of Cornerstone to take a walk or a drive! – a PRAYER walk or drive!  Over the next week through Sunday April 19th, go out into your community and Pray for the people that make up these communities!   Make an effort to include the hospitals, clinics, police stations, fire departments, retirement facilities, schools, daycare facilities as well as businesses!   Please Pray for Health and Healing in all aspects:  Physical, Mental, Spiritual, and Financial!   If you don’t want to get out and walk, take a drive and simply park your car on a street or parking lot and Pray!  We would like to keep a list of areas and streets that have been prayed for.  Please respond with an email to

Dennis will send out an email to let everyone know what areas have been prayed for. That way others will know what areas have been done and what areas still needs to be done!  Thank you to Mary Easley for this challenge!
We serve an Almighty God!  So please go out and claim his Healing!
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