Home Groups
Home Groups are interactive times of study, prayer, and discussion that yield personal, relational, and spiritual growth. They provide a means of growing closer to God and to one another in the process.
Our Home Groups are open to anyone wanting to learn more about God’s mission, and to become a part of carrying it out. These groups assemble in various homes throughout the week and throughout our community. There is likely a Home Group meeting time and place that can fit your busy schedule.
Our Home Groups are already in full-swing but it never too late to join in. If you are interested in joining one of our Home Groups or would just like some more information, maybe even to host a group in your own home, contact us and we will do our best to get you plugged in.
Coffee Club
The men of Cornerstone meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:00 AM in the church building for the Coffee Club. This informal gathering of men provides a great opportunity to develop relationships and to gain some traction before tackling a new day. No need to contact us; just show up, pour a cup, and introduce yourself.
Iron Men
The Iron Men is a small group that meets every Wednesday morning at 6:15AM. We talk about real life, real problems, and develop real relationships. No matter where you are at in terms of your faith or your past, we welcome you to come and be better equipped for your future. “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.” Have a look at our website HERE. To get on the email list for the discussion primers contact us at [email protected].
CornerMen’s Breakfast
The men of Cornerstone get together on the 3rd Saturday of every month to eat like kings and to talk about how men can help effect change in the community for the Kingdom of God. This may mean hearing an update from the local Boy Scout Troop or planning our next fishing trip to Lake of the Woods. If you are a man, like to eat, and would like to get more involved, this is a great place to start.
Iron Women
Our Iron Women get together every 2nd Saturday of the month at 9:00AM in the church building. They share a brief devotional, updates from the mission they support, and a wonderful time of fellowship. Each month has a different theme and is a unique blessing. Come and meet some new friends and share in this ministry to and for Iron Women.
It is our desire to share God’s love with all of the children in the Redwood Falls and surrounding areas. To accomplish this mission we offer fantastic Wednesday night programs and enriching lessons during Children’s Church on Sunday mornings.
Your children are important to you. They are also important to us. All of our youth workers have gone through a thorough background check and receive ongoing education to help keep your children safe and to provide our workers with the most effective teaching resources out there. Cornerstone cares and it shows.
Wednesday Evenings
A typical Wednesday evening at Cornerstone begins with the Community Meal at 6:00PM at the church building. The Community Meal is a ministry of the Cornerstone Men and grew out of their shared desire to ensure that the nutritional needs of as many youth and seniors as possible are being met. It is open to any and all who would like to come and share a warm meal with us before kids head off to Kid’s Club, teenagers head off to Youth Group, and adults make their way to a small group. This ministry comes at no cost to those who attend however, free-will donations are accepted with 100% of proceeds going to help continue this ministry.
What’s next?
Kid’s Club is the place to be for children 4 years old and on up to 12th graders. Kid’s Club is designed and led by a fantastic group of educated volunteers passionate about teaching children about God’s amazing love for them and how to grow in their developing faith. Children will worship God through song, story time, activities, and memory verses.
The Jr. & Sr. High youth ministry is an opportunity for youth to study not only what the Bible says, but also what it means for their lives. Being a teenager these days is tough and our youth leaders desire to equip and aid the teenager with the tools they need to navigate their personal, social, and spiritual life. Continuing beyond Wednesday evenings, the youth will also have the opportunity to participate in youth rallies, attend Pine Haven Camp, go on mission trips, as well as other activities and special events.
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings children will have a chance to hear the Word of God on their own level at KidZone Worship. We value having children engaged with their parents in praise so they will join with the adults in the praise portion of the service. However, the pastor’s sermon is not really geared towards children and we get it, keeping kids under control for an hour can be tough. So, when corporate praise has wrapped up, children will be dismissed to enjoy a lesson and age-appropriate activities that are tailored just for them. Meanwhile, parents can relax and enjoy the morning message knowing their children are in good hands.
A nursery is available to serve our families throughout the Sunday service. The nursery, located downstairs, is stocked full of books and toys for your little ones as well as a live feed of the service continuing in the sanctuary.