Easter Services

Easter at Cornerstone ChurchEveryone is invited to join us at 7 PM this Thursday, March 28, for a special Communion Service. This will be an intimate time focusing on the events of the last supper Jesus shared with His disciples and His impending death.

Good Friday serves as a reminder to all of us the death Jesus died on a cross to pay the penalty for our sin. The Redwood Area Ministerial Association’s community service will be held at 12:05 PM this Friday here at Cornerstone..

A breakfast will be provided Easter Sunday, March 31, at 8:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A free-will offering will be accepted for the youth.

 Please sign up on the sheet at the back of church if you plan to attend.

He’s Alive! Join us for Easter Sunday Worship Celebration, 10:00 AM

Bring friends, bring family, bring a complete stranger and Rejoice Together!


If you would like to bring Easter lilies or other plants in memory of a loved one, please bring them by Thursday morning, March 28.

Thank you.

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