June Mission of the Month

showmeSHOW-ME CHRISTIAN YOUTH HOME is dedicated to promoting the individual development of each child. We feel there are four major areas essential in this complete development process…

Spirituality: Our child-care staff provides daily nurturing from God’s Word. Breakfast devotions with the family, bedtime prayers, weekly participation in church and youth group activities help to stimulate the spiritual growth of each child. Additional opportunities include church camp, Vacation Bible School and other outings.

Academically: Some of our children attend public school, where the faculty works closely with Show-Me staff. The Show-Me Christian School is available and growing each year. Children also gain skills in farm and home tasks, leaving Show-Me well equipped to be productive adults.

Emotionally: Many hurting youngsters arrive at Show-Me. Our goal is to assure them that God loves them, we love them and they can learn to love themselves. Childcare staff help them confront the issues and work through the healing process to build a bright future. Children benefit from contact with trained and dedicated house parents and regular appointments with our licensed counselor.

Physically: Healthy bodies and strong minds are a priority. Families enjoy nutritious meals together in their homes. Open space, recreational facilities and school activities promote healthy lifestyles. Medical, dental and eye care are available to each child.


“And you shall be My witnesses…even to the remotest parts of the earth.” Acts 1:8

God is making changes in our lives and has given us the opportunity to do missionary work stateside. Our partnership with Broken Hearts Ministries has ended; however, we continue to reach out to Mexican families with the majority of our work in El Paso. Most of these families have moved to El Paso seeking refuge from the violence that is plaguing their nation.

Vaughn has accepted an offer from our church, Beth El Bible, to be part-time Facility Manager, and will also continue his education which he hopes to finish in 2014. God has provided this help as we transition to stateside Missionaries.

There has been a change to how we will receive our support. The funds needed to do our ministry work will no longer go through Broken Hearts Ministries, but rather through Beth El Bible. Your support will still be used to minister to families, but our focus will now be in El Paso, until God says otherwise.

Mail all correspondence and donations to:

Vaughn or Angie Krause
8888 Rabe Ct spc B14
El Paso, TX 79907

Please make checks payable to Beth El Bible and note Krause on the memo line.

Your prayers, support and all you do to increase the Kingdom are much appreciated.

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